To Sweat Or Not To Sweat

In keeping with today's lesson, I'm reminded of a book
my son introduced to me last year.

Book Cover

Written by Richard Carlson, Ph.D., Don't Sweat The Small Stuff...and it's all small stuff shows you how to keep from letting the little things in life drive you crazy. How to put things in perspective.

Here's a most appropriate excerpt for what happened to me today:

Make Peace With Imperfection

I've yet to meet an absolute perfectionist whose life was filled with inner peace. The need for perfection and the desire for inner tranquility conflict with each other. Whenever we are attached to having something a certain way, better than it already is, we are, almost by definition, engaged in a losing battle. Rather than being content and grateful for what we have, we are focused on what's wrong with something and our need to fix it. When we are zeroed in on what's wrong, it implies that we are dissatisfied, discontent.

Whether it's related to ourselves -- a scratch on the car, an imperfect accomplishment, a few pounds we would like to lose -- or someone else's "imperfections" -- the way someone looks, behaves, or lives their life -- the very act of focusing on imperfection pulls us away from our goal of being kind and gentle. This strategy has nothing to do with ceasing to do your very best but with being overly attached and focused on what's wrong with life. It's about realizing that while there's always a better way to do something, this doesn't mean that you can't enjoy and appreciate the way things already are.

The solution here is to catch yourself when you fall into your habit of insisting that things should be other than they are. Remind yourself that life is okay the way it is, right now. In the absence of your judgment, everything would be fine. As you begin to eliminate your need for perfection in all areas of your life, you'll begin to discover the perfection in life itself.

For more of Richard's wisdom, visit his website by clicking here.

Hugs always,

P.S.: Questions or not, I'd love to hear from you. Please email me at or simply click the link on the sidebar.

Life Lessons

I didn't know it at the time, but there's a lesson
to be learned from my previous post.

You see, prior to posting "Inspiration Corner," I was feeling guilty that I hadn't written anything yesterday, and I was a bit upset that I wasn't in that great of a writing mood today, either. But instead of beating myself up, instead of putting major strain on myself for not being Mizz Perfect Blogger, I opted to post a simple quote. It was better than nothing, I thought, and my conscience would be soothed till my inspiration came back.

Well, that's exactly what happened: I made it short and sweet, pressed the publish button, and lo and behold, I felt at peace with myself, as well as with you the readers, and the shroud of anxiety that had begun to envelop me was gently removed. I was relieved.

And now, just a few hours later, I'm back to my chatty self again. How quickly moods change! That's why it's important not to let yourself go when the doldrums roll in. Go with the gloom, I say, and do the best you can. Even if it's doing the laundry or sorting the mail, washing your hair or tidying up your closet, just MOVE! As long as you do one little thing, no matter how insignificant it may seem, you'll feel much better. You'll take the pressure out of everyday life.

Baby steps... always remember
that it's all about baby steps.

Be light. Be happy. Be well, my friends.


P.S.: Questions or not, I'd love to hear from you. Please email me at or simply click the link on the sidebar.

Inspiration Corner


I admit, there are days when not knowing what to write can cause anxiety. I care for you, I want to provide you with interesting information, but sometimes I wish I could just be silent, look in your eyes and see your soul, reach out and touch your hand.

So here's my way of reaching out to you today: this beautiful quote I found on my screensaver this morning.

If a little dreaming is dangerous,

the cure for it is not to dream less
but to dream more, to dream all the time.
- Marcel Proust

I've been receiving inspirational words every morning for over four years. If you're interested, you can download PaperQuote screensavers by clicking here.

Pleasant dreams to all...


P.S.: Questions or not, I'd love to hear from you. Please email me at or simply click the link on the sidebar.