Eating Disorder? Get Help!

If you’ve already faced the fact that you have an eating disorder, or if you find you might be falling into an eating pattern that just might be detrimental to your health, then maybe it’s time for you to seek help.

Caringonline could be the place to start.

Right off the bat, you’ll find a short video
on anorexia.

And if you want to delve even deeper into the complex world of anorexia, bulimia,
binge and compulsive overeating, there's a Questionnaires link that will connect you to several health tests, surveys, and evaluations.

Here are a few of the other topics you’ll find on Caringonline:

  • Body Image - How you see yourself
  • Cutting, Self-Mutilation - And eating disorders
  • Osteoporosis - Eating Disorders and Osteoporosis
  • Physiology - How eating disorders affect the body

So please, stop kidding yourself.
Because you're hurting yourself.

Get help NOW!

Big hugs,

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